News headline please tell me how to do it.

2. (b)
3. (d)
4. (a)
I hope it will be
helpful to you please
mark me as a brainliest
1. c
2. b
3. d
4. a
1st denotes dengue as the taker that claims. Since lives of ten people were claimed by dengue therefore c will be the correct answer.
2nd is the recent past where a tournament has been won.
3rd denotes a task that will be done in coming future therefore d will be the correct answer.
4th denotes that a person will do a task in future. Whenever a sentence is formed where someone does any task in the future, only "will" or "shall" will be used along with first form of verb. However if sentence is formed where a task will be performed by someone, then "will or shall be" need to be placed along with the third form of verb just like in the 3rd answer.