English, asked by piyushraj4876, 8 months ago

Write a short note on Bits and Bytes.​


Answered by Anonymous


A bit (short for binary digit) is the smallest unit of data in a computer. A bit has a single binary value, either 0 or 1. Although computers usually provide instructions that can test and manipulate bits, they generally are designed to store data and execute instructions in bit multiples called bytes.

Answered by gayathri7a



a "bit" is atomic: the smallest unit of storage

A bit stores just a 0 or 1

"In the computer it's all 0's and 1's" ... bits

Anything with two separate states can store 1 bit

In a chip: electric charge = 0/1

In a hard drive: spots of North/South magnetism = 0/1

A bit is too small to be much use

Group 8 bits together to make 1 byte

Everything in a computer is 0's and 1's. The bit stores just a 0 or 1: it's the smallest building block of storage.


One byte = collection of 8 bits

e.g. 0 1 0 1 1 0 1 0

One byte can store one character, e.g. 'A' or 'x' or '$'

How Many Patterns With N Bits? (demo)

How many different patterns can be made with 1, 2, or 3 bits?

Number of bits Different Patterns

1 0 1

2 00 01 10 11

3 000 001 010 011

100 101 110 111

3 bits vs. 2 bits

Consider just the leftmost bit

It can only be 0 or 1

Leftmost bit is 0, then append 2-bit patterns

Leftmost bit is 1, then append 2-bit patterns again

3-bits has twice as many patterns as 2-bits

Number of bits Different Patterns

1 0 1

2 00 01 10 11

3 000 001 010 011

100 101 110 111

In general: add 1 bit, double the number of patterns

1 bit - 2 patterns

2 bits - 4

3 bits - 8

4 bits - 16

5 bits - 32

6 bits - 64

7 bits - 128

8 bits - 256 - one byte

Mathematically: n bits yields 2n patterns (2 to the nth power)

One Byte - 256 Patterns (demo)

1 byte is group of 8 bits

8 bits can make 256 different patterns

How to use the 256 patterns?

How to store a number in a byte?

Start with 0, go up, one pattern per number, until run out of patterns

0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ... 254, 255

One byte can hold a number between 0 and 255

i.e. with 256 different patterns, we can store a number in the range 0..255

Really good for storing characters/letters.


"Byte" - unit of information storage

A document, an image, a movie .. how many bytes?

1 byte is enough to hold about 1 typed character, e.g. 'b' or 'X' or '$'

All storage is measured in bytes, despite being very different hardware

Kilobyte, KB, about 1 thousand bytes

Megabyte, MB, about 1 million bytes

Gigabyte, GB, about 1 billion bytes

Terabyte, TB, about 1 trillion bytes (rare)

Bytes and Characters - ASCII Code

ASCII is an encoding representing each typed character by a number

Each number is stored in one byte (so the number is in 0..255)

A is 65

B is 66

a is 96

space is 32

"Unicode" is an encoding for mandarin, greek, arabic, etc. languages, typically 2-bytes per "character"

32 space

33 !

34 "

35 #

36 $

37 %

38 &

39 '

40 (

41 )

42 *

43 +

44 ,

45 -

46 .

47 /

48 0

49 1

50 2

51 3

52 4

53 5

54 6

55 7

56 8

57 9

58 :

59 ;

60 <

61 =

62 >

63 ?

64 @

65 A

66 B

67 C

68 D

69 E

70 F

71 G

72 H

73 I

74 J

75 K

76 L

77 M

78 N

79 O

80 P

81 Q

82 R

83 S

84 T

85 U

86 V

87 W

88 X

89 Y

90 Z

91 [

92 \

93 ]

94 ^

95 _

96 `

97 a

98 b

99 c

100 d

101 e

102 f

103 g

104 h

105 i

106 j

107 k

108 l

109 m

110 n

111 o

112 p

113 q

114 r

115 s

116 t

117 u

118 v

119 w

120 x

121 y

122 z

123 {

124 |

125 }

126 ~

Typing, Bytes, and You

Each letter is stored in a byte, as below

100 typed letters takes up 100 bytes

When you send, say, a text message, the numbers are sent

Text is quite compact, using few bytes, compared to images etc.

typed letters correspond to bytes in RAM

Numbers in Computers

One byte works well for individual characters, but computers are also good at manipulating numbers.

Integers are typically stored with either 4 or 8 bytes

4 bytes can store numbers between -2147483648 and 2147483647

8 bytes can store numbers between -9223372036854775808 and 9223372036854775807

Adding in binary is just like normal addition with carrying

But when you run out of bits you can't carry anymore

Leftmost bit indicates sign, so carrying to the leftmost bit changes a number ffrom positive to negative.

So adding 1 to 2147483647 goes to -2147483648!

Called Integer Overflow

Integer Overflow and Gangam Style

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