Nimmi says, "we should focus on...". Do you thickyou should pick up one or two important ideas for a project or try and include everything you can on on the topic
When we take notes for any project discussions, we focus on the specific impotent key poinspicked upin the form of a sketch note.
This idea can save our time and we can take care of interesting points and ideas from a seminar, workshop, experiment, etc.
In SKETCH notes, visual elements are considered covering the entire presentation.Sketch noteis considered to be recording information in a visual media which benefitsall concern persons.
Sketch note data are betterfor memorising. Act of recording helps one to get the impression by means of knowledge-sharing or idea-related sessions.
There is also satisfaction in sharing these sketch notes after the end of the programme of conference, workshop, or special events.
This promote speaker, attending persons, and non-attendees, or simply to share them as part of personal or professional practice.