Nirmal Looking At The Possibilities Of Doing Business Decided To Start His Research Firm Online. He Put His Contained In Web For Companies And Also Advised Them. India Info Line.Com Launched By Him Also Started E-Booking In India. Nirmal Is Engaging In Which Type Of Activities Explain?
It is a common practice to exchange a used PPE asset for a new one. This is known as a trade-in. The value of the trade-in agreed by the purchaser and seller is called the trade-in allowance. This amount is applied to the purchase price of the new asset, and the purchaser pays the difference. For instance, if the cost of a new asset is $10,000 and a trade-in allowance of $6,000 is given for the old asset, the purchaser will pay $4,000 ($10,000 – 6,000).
It is a common practice to exchange a used PPE asset for a new one. This is known as a trade-in. The value of the trade-in agreed by the purchaser and seller is called the trade-in allowance. This amount is applied to the purchase price of the new asset, and the purchaser pays the difference. For instance, if the cost of a new asset is $10,000 and a trade-in allowance of $6,000 is given for the old asset, the purchaser will pay $4,000 ($10,000 – 6,000).