Math, asked by bhushanthorat3256, 20 days ago

Nitration of aniline to from indicated position


Answered by adityaray38970


In case of nitration in aniline, the Nitric Acid protonates the aniline to form the Anilinium ion.

Now since the nitrogen atom has no lone pair to conjugate, it has no mesomeric effect on the ring, the but as nitrogen is now protonated, it has a high negative inductive effect.

Which simply leads to the fact that the position farthest from the nitrogen substituted carbon will have the highest electron density (as inductive effect decreases as we move away from the atom causing it).

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So in this case the best site for attack for the electrophile was para>meta>ortho.

The Hydrogen bonds would stabilise then ortho product once its formed, but the Rate Determining step of an electrophilic substitution on benzene is the sigma complex intermediate wherein the most stable intermediate is formed as major product. The positive charge in sigma complex stays the farthest in para position from the anilinium ion hence(most stable) is the major product.

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