Nitrogen cycle explanation with micro organisms involved in it
our atmosphere has 78 percent of night of Nitrogen gas nitrogen is one of the essential constituent of all living organisms as part of proteins chlorophyll nucleic acids and vitamins that my spirit nitrogen can be taken directly by plants and animals certain bacteria and blue green algae present in the soil fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert into compounds of Nitrogen once nitrogen is discovered into this usable compounds it can be utilised by plant from the soil through their root system nitrogen is then used for the synthesis of plant proteins and at the compounds animal feeding on plants get these proteins and other certain bacteria and blue green algae present in the soil fix nitrogen from the atmosphere and convert into compounds of Nitrogen once nitrogen is discovered into this usable compounds it can be utilised by plant from the soil through their root system nitrogen is then used for the synthesis of plant proteins and at the compounds animal feeding on plants get these proteins and other nitrogen compounds
when plants and animals die bacteria and fungi present in the soil convert the nitrogenous waste into nitrogenous compounds to be used by plants against certain other bacteria convert some part of them to the Nitrogen gas which goes back into the atmosphere as a result the percentage of Nitrogen in the atmosphere remains more or less content