no men are foreign summary for English

The poem 'No Men Are Foreign' has a message that everybody on the earth is same. The author appeals for universal friendship and understanding among people through the current poem containing five stanzas. In every stanza, he promotes equality and through the thread of equality, he concludes with an appeal for universal brotherhood In the very first stanza, he asks us to remember that no man and country are strange and foreign. We wear different dresses but fundamentally we all breathe equally. We walk on the same land. Even we shall lie in the same land when we die There is nobody ignorant about the natural elements. We all feed on crops and starve during wars. All palms and lines therein are equal. We all labour equally. We dream and wake up equally. When we are equal in all respects, why should we fight and kill one another? By this sinful act, we harm ourselves. We ruin or despoil our own earth, and pollute our own air.
(Hope it helps you ^^)