Science, asked by SANAYA423, 1 year ago

no one has seen, tasted or felt force. then how do we feel it's presense? comment.


Answered by arunan6000
The clouds can be seen, but their presence can not be felt. We can smell, taste, and hear what we can neither see nor feel by which we are surrounded, mighty forces and vast wonders exist, all unknown to us because we lack With its aid we have done even more for the ear than the telescope has done for the eye.

SANAYA423: nice answer but somewhat I didn't get..
Answered by AR17
Heya user !!!

Here's the answer you are looking for

No one has seen, tasted or felt force. Then how do we feel it's presense?

Well, before answering the question I appreciate the way you think and your curiosity. ✌️

Now let's jump into the answer.

Great Physicists said that even if a body is at rest or motion force continuously acts on it. If it shows no change in its motion then, the forces acting on the body are balanced.
But how we know that the forces are acting on us? May no force is acting on me and thus I am not changing my state of uniform motion of rest.
No. Force always acts.

We all know about the gravitational force. Earth attracts each and every object towards its centre. If we had applied no force on earth , we would have been buried into the soil till the centre of the earth. But this does not happen cause we also attract earth with the same force.

Let's see another situation. When you are asked to lift something very heavy on your head you feel like you will be crushed between the object and earth. Why? This is because of the force applied by the heavy object on us.

At each and every instance of life we can feel force, like while walking, runing, holding something, sliding, cycling and even while sleeping.

So yes, even if one has not seen, tasted or felt force, everyone has felt its presence.

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