No one of you can solve it -
Non-zero positive integers, not
necessarily distinct, are written on the
squares of an 8 × 8 chessboard (one
number per square).At the beginning,
five grasshoppers are on five different
squares and hide the numbers.
Gabriel calculates the sum of all the
visible numbers and he obtains 100.
Simultaneously, each grasshopper jumps
onto an adjacent square (it crosses a side
shared by two squares).
Gabriel calculates the sum of all the
visible numbers and he gets 1000.
And so on, until he can no longer obtain
a sum ten times greater than the
previous one (when Gabriel calculates a
sum, two grasshoppers are never on the
same square).
The total of the sixty-four numbers
written on the chessboard is divisible by
35 and it is the largest possible.
What is this total?
No one of you can solve it -
Non-zero positive integers, not
necessarily distinct, are written on the
squares of an 8 × 8 chessboard (one
number per square).At the beginning,
five grasshoppers are on five different
squares and hide the numbers.
Gabriel calculates the sum of all the
visible numbers and he obtains 100.
Simultaneously, each grasshopper jumps
onto an adjacent square (it crosses a side
shared by two squares).
Gabriel calculates the sum of all the
visible numbers and he gets 1000.
And so on, until he can no longer obtain
a sum ten times greater than the
previous one (when Gabriel calculates a
sum, two grasshoppers are never on the
same square).
The total of the sixty-four numbers
written on the chessboard is divisible by
35 and it is the largest possible.
What is this total?