'No one would believe it '. (c) Could she remain firm in her belief??
what ??
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if she's stronger and bold inside , even people don't believe her she would be firm but if she's weak or still has contradicting thoughts..it would be really difficult for her to be at that belief ...
lekin yrr esme karna kya tha??m...haha
lekin yrr esme karna kya tha??m...haha
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The following lines have been fetch(extracted) from the story "Mrs Packletide's Tiger" written by H H Munro (Saki).
Mrs Packletide's knew that no one would believe Mrs Mebbin's recital (story). As soon as she said this she replied that if no one would Loona Bimberton would surely believe her. So she planned to tell her neighbour (Loona Bimberton) all the truth and she would disclose it to the people as she was believed by the people after her great work. On hearing this the face colour of Mrs Packletide's turned pale.
Hope it helps. Do mark me the brainliest.
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