English, asked by appu35, 1 year ago

no pain no gain.. expansion of idea


Answered by VidhuJain
No Pain, No Gain

The path to success isn't an easy one. There are hurdles all along the way which serve to pull tired souls down. Only the most persevering, the most dedicated and the most passionate are able to carry the journey till the very end; battling all pain and suffering inflicted upon them, they emerge victorious and inspire generations. 

Pain is but a natural ingredient that goes into the making of a great life, a grand success. Pain is inevitable in human life- all our actions amount to reactions after all. Suffering, though, is optional. It is we who chose what we wish to be. Its entirely up to us. 

There's thus no gain without pain. Each hurdle, each difficulty in our journey teaches us something, leaving its indelible mark on our soul and mind- a reminder of the past we so successfully conquered. 

Never be discouraged by failures and pain- they are, but, a push in the right direction- a test by the Almighty who knows what's best for you. Stay put!

Answered by upenderjoshi28

                                             NO PAIN NO GAIN


This maxim has been the guiding star for many an aspirant of all times and all climes that motivated and inspired them to keep on climbing the uphill road to success. There is no man or woman on this planet who has not heard this adage.  

It has been said that those whom God chooses to be blessed, he first tests their worthiness by sending the tests of pain to them. Jesus had to face so much pain before he rose to heaven! Helen Keller had to face so many difficulties on every step she put forward. She fought her darkness, hearing and speech disabilities and emerged as a better personality. Booker T Washington faced so many adversities and rose from being a slave to one of the most successful educationist in the world! Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther, Albert Einstein, all faced physical and mental pain and they never let it make them bitter. They made themselves better human beings and God blessed them with success in their fields.

There is another great example of a man who converted all his bitter pain into enormous gains. Yes, I am talking about Abraham Lincoln. His life was nothing but a series of incessant failures that he converted into stepping stones to his success. Born to a poor family, he saw many hardships through his life. For instance he had to provide for his own education; he had no money to buy books. So he borrowed them. Sometimes he had to go long distances on foot to get a book. And at night he used to do writing and arithmetic practice on the kitchen floor with burnt out coal. Ultimately he succeeded in becoming the President of America. Life is full of inspiring personages like him who converted their pain into gain. So when you are being afflicted by pain of tests and trials, keep the axiom in mind.


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