No texto, na a informação de que a Comlurb tem aplicado multas para quem joga lixo no chão
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Inter-halogen compounds
An interhalogen compound is a molecule which contains two or more different halogen atoms (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine, or astatine) and no atoms of elements from any other group.E.g BrF. Most interhalogen compounds known are binary (composed of only two distinct elements).
Methods of preparation of inter-halogen compounds
They are prepared either by direct combination between the halogens or by the action of halogen on a lower halogen.
Use of interhalogen compounds
They are used as non-aqueous solvents.
Interhalogen compounds of fluorine are very useful fluorinating agents.
An ideology is a belief system that underpins a political or economic theory. Ideologies form the operating principles for running a society. Examples of ideologies include liberalism, conservatism, socialism, communism, theocracy, agrarianism, totalitarianism, democracy, colonialism, and globalism.
hope or is useful mark my answer as brainliest