Science, asked by sadeeqmohd377, 8 months ago

ICT does NOT


Answered by BrundansaiCH


English is one of the most important languages which have played role in the process of globalization and knowledge explosion. It is the most common means of communication throughout the globe. This is why it is termed as Link language, Global language as well as Lingua Franca. In Indian context it is treated as ESL (English as a Second Language). Use of English language has become vital for better learning and earning. Therefore, it is necessary to teach English and develop English language skills among the students from school level. The government, NGOs and educational institutions are working at various levels and taking measures to ensure better ELT (English Language Teaching) and developing English language skills among the students. To teach English and develop English language skills various approaches and methods are in use in our country. But most of them are traditional, less interesting, ineffective as well as less motivating. So, it is necessary to use modern approaches and tools of ICT (Information and Communication Technology) to develop better understanding and acquisition of basic skills i.e. LSRW (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing) of English language among the students at school level. ICT has a lot of things to offer to both teachers and students for the enhancement of their vocabulary and improvement of English language skills. Now a day’s ICT tools and approaches are being used widely due to their convenience, omnipresence, effectiveness and being economic. Some of these approaches, facilities and tools are CAI ( Computer Assisted Learning), CALA (Computer Assisted Language Assessment), CALI ( Computer Assisted Language Instruction), CALL (Computer Assisted Language Learning), MALL (Mobile Assisted Language Learning) , TELL (Technology Enhanced Language Learning), Blogs, Wiki, e-mail facility, Digital libraries, multimedia, mobile learning, free and open source software and social media, MOOCs, Virtual classrooms, documentaries, Digital storytelling, Mobile Applications, i-Pads, Digital Notebooks, Tablets, Smart Phones, Recorded audio- video materials, Online spoken tutorials, Digital pronunciation dictionaries etc. Modern studies and researches show positive results of integration of ICT in the field of ELT and development of English language skills. These facilities have paved the way of individualized learning and provided freedom of learning anytime, anywhere according to needs and convenience of the learners. So, we should take proper step to integrate ICT in the field of ELT to make the learners well versed in English language skills.

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