Social Sciences, asked by shivansh1776, 11 months ago

Not all the games boys and girls play are diffrent.Yet there are seperate teams for men and woman in sporting events/games namely swimming,basketball,cricket,wrestling. Why is it so?


Answered by Sarathrocks9876yah
That is a gud question. The main cause of this is due to the difference in the strength and energy of boys and girls. Imagine a boys football team and girls football team.The team with girls is more likely to get tired fast and this results in an uneven competition.This is only true for physical games whereas in mental games like chess ,carroms,ludo etc. girls and boys play together.
Answered by sania12347

Love this question. I realize it's not politically correct to do so, but one must recognize that men and women are PHYSICALLY DIFFERENT. I know, I know, some folks are triggered by this, but there it is. If you think women should be playing in the NFL, yiu are mistaken. If you think Shaq should go play for a few years in the WNBA, think again. Women simply do not have the strength and mass that men have. We're already seeing this idiocy play out in the US, in a couple of instances. In one, a MALE teenager “identifies” as a female, and as such is being allowed to wrestle as a girl. Guess who's winning the matches he's in? Anyone who supports this idiocy is causing far mor harm than good.

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