English, asked by vihajanavi, 2 months ago

Not allowed to speak
at PM's meet, feel
insulted, says Didi
Kerala were present in the
Debashi. Xonar
meeting. We had many
things to ask about the
Kolkata: Bengal CM Ma supply of vaccines, oxygen
mata Banerjee on Thurs and medicines, but we co-
day said she felt "insulted uldn't. There are four black
and humiliated" at the Co fungus cases in the state.
vid meeting chaired by Pri- Nobody asked us about it. It
me Minister Narendra Mo is a blatant violation of the
di - with chief ministers federal spirit. All the CMS
and district magistrates --- should come together aga-
because the CMs were ma- inst such an insult.
Mamata said
de to sit like puppets
without being given a
chance to speak. She
ermed the virtual me-
ting" casual and a su
er flop" and alleged
Modi tried to play
down the Covid
threat. "The PM
said the Covid​


Answered by kaberibhattacharyya3


I always suppots didi because she is the leader of T .M.C and I always suppots T.M.C

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