Note: Attempt all questions. The marks for each question are indicated against it.
1. (a) Explain the importance of environment in day to day life by citing suitable examples
in about 120 words.
(b) "Sustainable development is a goal toward which all human societies need to be
moving ” Elaborate the statement in about 120 words
2. Differentiate between the following terms by giving suitable examples in about 120
(a) Primary succession and secondary succession
(b) Direct and indirect use value of biodiversity
3. Answer the following questions in about 150 words.
(a) What is biodiversity hotspot? Why is India considered as a mega biodiversity
(b) Distinguish between Biota of the Pelagic and Benthic zones of the Oceans with
(c) Differentiate between the surface and ground water. Describe the factors respo
for degradation of water
(d) Write a short note on global carbon cycle with the help of diagram.
How does forest support ecological system and moderate global climate? Expla
250 words
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you are these things you are the only want I want to do things but since this is not the right thing to do so how could you supposed to say like this question is what is this question in distinguish between and and zones of the oceans examples this question is serious as
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