English, asked by rishimenon5397, 7 months ago

Note making disaster management


Answered by vsvasishtha


Short notes on Disaster Management is provided to ensure the best understanding of the topic for the students who are making projects on the topic or preparing for the exam. Let’s explore the topic of Disaster Management:


A disaster is a destructive event that occurs suddenly and involves loss of life and property.

Disasters can be of two types, natural and man-made. It is a sudden accident or a natural catastrophe that causes great damage or loss of life.


Disasters can be of two types, natural and man-made.


Earthquakes, volcanic activity, tsunamis, floods, cyclones, landslides, avalanches and droughts are natural disasters and man has no control over them. They are a result of natural activities and hence known as natural disasters.


Man-made disasters are triggered by human beings. Some of the man-made disasters are bomb explosions, terrorism, war or civil war, leakage of poisonous chemicals, a breach in dams, air or water pollution, industrial accidents and epidemics. They are known as man-made disasters because they occur due to human actions and not natural forces.


An earthquake is a sudden tremor or movement of the earth’s crust, which usually originates at or below the surface. The outer layer of the earth is solid and is divided into many sections known as plates. The point of origin of the earthquake within the crust or mantle is called the seismic focus. Since the focus is often deep below the surface, the location of the earthquake is often referred to as the point on the surface of the earth, vertically above the seismic focus. This point is called the epicentre.


The information about earthquakes and their intensity should be shared with the public through radio, television and newspapers

Construction of buildings based on earthquake-resistant techniques.

Construct buildings over pillars made of concrete and iron that are built deep in the ground

Water, ration, first-aid kits, radios, flashlights, battery, blankets, jackets and fire extinguishers should be stored in safe places.

If inside a building or a house, take cover under a solid surface like a table, or stand in the doorway

If one is outside, move to an open space away from trees, electric poles and buildings.

Switch off the gas and electric supply in the house during a quake and do not use elevators.

After the quake is over, the affected people should be given immediate medical help.

Transport and communication facilities should be restored as soon as possible.


A flood is an overflow of a large amount of water beyond its normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land. Flooding may occur as an overflow of water from water bodies, such as a river, lake, or ocean, in which the water overtops or breaks levees, resulting in some of that water escaping its usual boundaries


Floods caused by cloud bursts, bursting of dams, or tsunamis are called flash floods. Any flood is preceded by a threat period known as the Probability Period. This allows the authorities to issue warnings and plan evacuation.

Artificial reservoirs should be built with sluice gates and sandbags should be used to block the flow of water. Low grounds or viaducts can be created to carry water in a certain direction or underground. Trees should be planted in the catchment areas .

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