Note making of the tiger king
The Tiger King was killed with the tiger.
1.The Tiger King by the name Marahaj Jilani Jung JUng was born and one of the astrologer had fore told that one day the born baby would die.
2. One of the elders Jilani Jung Jung Bahadur told the people to ask the astrologer the nature Marahaj his death since death was normal thing.
3.The astrologer told the people that Marahaj was to be killed with the 100 tiger even though he was to kill 99 tiger.
4. As time with by Marahaj grew old and in 10 years in his hunting career he killed 70 tigers.
5. Marahaj was married to a royal family in the state where rich tigers and here he had killed 99 tigers.
6. Marahaj had heard that one tiger was remaining which he went to hunt with one of his work but he never killed and his worker knew and he never told him because he was afraid for being fired like other.
7. It was on the third birthday party of his son when he gifted his with wooden tiger that was crafted by unskilled man an d it rough and a result the pieced into his hand and he infected.
8. The day after his son birthday party the infection had spread to other parts of the body and he died.