note on chapter horigallu of class 12
The narrator talks about her childhood which she spent in her village. She remembers a banyan tree in the middle of the village which provided shade to the people on hot summer days. There was a horegallu under the tree which provided relief to travellers who carried heavy burden on their journeys. Horegallu consists of a horizontal stone placed over two perpendicular ones. They were strong enough to support heavy weight on them. It was a great blessing to the travellers.
The narrator’s grandfather used to sit under the banyan tree and listen to travellers and villagers. They used to discuss their problems with him. Though he did not have any solution to their problems, they felt relieved to share their problems with him. He was as important as the horegallu for the travellers and the villagers. The horegallu provided physical relief, whereas the grandfather provided mental relief.
The narrator then talks about one of her colleagues who used to find time everyday to listen to the problems of her colleagues. She wouldn’t discuss those problems with anyone else and her colleagues found relief in sharing their problems with her. She wouldn’t judge anyone and would listen patiently. She was a simple woman and had no solutions for their problems. But she was good enough to know that sharing would alleviate the suffering of people. She was a horegallu for the people in the office. The narrator asks her grandfather, “what was the importance of listening to people’s problems?” Her grandfather told her that although he was not able to solve their problems, he could provide temporary relief to them. A horegallu could relieve travellers only for a short while, but that rest was enough to refresh their mind and body, and ready them for the journey forward.
The anecdotes shared by the narrator stresses the importance of taking a break from strenuous tasks. This rest is very important for maintaining the quality of the effort. It also protects the mental health of the people. Modern life offers no respite for people. They are constantly pressurised to complete tasks. This affects their physical and mental well-being. This is one reason why mental health is on the decline in towns and cities. Horegallus have disappeared from villages and so have support systems meant to provide relief to people