Note on digestion take place in buccal cavity
digestion take place from buccal cavity as its secrets it's saliva from the salivary gland which help in the digestion of starch and teeth also help in major part because they used to cut down the food particles into easily find pieces and the day for their go into the oesophagus because of them we can easily swallow the food to the stomach and buccal cavity act as a major part in digestion of starch
Here, Food is chewed with the help of Premolars and molars which increases the rate of action of salivary amylase. Food is mixed with saliva of salivary glands.
Salivary amylase Hydrolyses about 30-40% of starch into maltose and isomaltose at pH 6.8 :-
But no digestion of Proteins and facts occurs in buccal Cavity so Digestion is incomplete here.