Note the mobile number of any members of your family from four digits five digits and 6 digits number
By repeating the digits.
By not repeating the digits
We have to find no. of ways for making 4 digit number.
- - - - first place has 8 ditis to be filled with
Second place can be filled with 9 digits since repition is allowed
Third place can be filled with 9 digits
Fourth place can also be filled 9 digits
Thus, total no. of ways will be
=8\times 9\times9\times9=5832=8×9×9×9=5832
Similarly,We have to find no. of ways for making 5 digit number.
- - - - - first place has 8 ditis to be filled with
Second place can be filled with 9 digits since repition is allowed
Third place can be filled with 9 digits
Fourth place can also be filled 9 digits
Fifth place can be filled with 9 digits
Thus, total no. of ways will be
=8\times 9\times9\times9\times9=52488=8×9×9×9×9=52488
Now,We have to find no. of ways for making 4 digit number.
- - - - - - first place has 8 ditis to be filled with
Second place can be filled with 9 digits since repition is allowed
Third place can be filled with 9 digits
Fourth place can also be filled 9 digits
Fifth place can filled with 9 digits
Sixth place can be filled with 9 digits
Thus, total no. of ways will be
=8\times 9\times9\times9\times9\times9=472392=8×9×9×9×9×9=472392