notes chapter 2 gepgraphy class 8
90% population on 30% area
70% land is uninhabited
30% of total earth surface is land
Desert, Forest, Water bodies, plains, rivers
Landuse: Use of land for various purposes - agriculture, forestry, mining, building houses, roads
Determined by physical (soil, climate, water) & human (population & technology) factors
Land – Private or Community owned (Common Property Resources)
Threats: Land degradation, landslides, soil erosion, desertification
Land Conservation
Land reclamation
Regulated use of chemical pesticide and fertilizers
Checks on overgrazing
Mass movement of rock, debris or earth down a slope
Pangi village near Reckong Peo in Kinnaur district, HP – damage to Hindustan-Tibet road, National Highway – 22
Hazard Mapping
Retention Wall
Increase Vegetation
Surface Drainage Control Work
Thin layer of grainy substance covering earth
Soil Layers
image of soil description chart
Soil Conservation
Mulching: bare ground is covered with straw
Contour Barrier: Stone, grass barrier along contour
Rock Dam: Rocks piled to slow water flow
Terrace Farming
Contour Ploughing: Plough parallel to contours
Shelter Belt: Planted to check water movement
Life began 3.5 billion years ago
2/3rd is water – ocean water is saline
Fresh water -2.7% (of this 70% as ice and glaciers; Only 1% fit for human use)
Total Volume of water on earth remains constant – neither added nor deleted – Water Cycle Operates
Diagram of the water cycle showing evaporation, condensation, and precipitation
Water Shortage
Variation in seasonal or annual precipitation
Scarcity is caused by overexploitation
Contamination of water sources
water shortage map showing regions where water scarcity occurs
Main Contaminants
Discharge of untreated or partially treated sewage
Agricultural chemicals
Industrial effluents in water bodies
Water Conservation
Rainwater Harvesting
Lining Canals to minimize water loss by seepage
Drip Irrigation
Natural Vegetation & Wildlife
Occurs in narrow zone of biosphere
Ecosystem – Life supporting system
Plants – Food, Shelter, Timber, Oxygen, Shelter belts, Protect Soil
Wildlife – Milk, Hide, Wool, Meat
Vulture – Scavenger
Heavy Rain – Abundant trees
Dry areas – Thorny Shrubs
Forest – Evergreen or deciduous
Extinction of Natural Resources
Soil erosion
Constructional activities
Forest fires
Poaching of Animals
Conservation of Natural Vegetation & Wildlife
National parks, wildlife sanctuaries, biosphere reserves
Awareness programs like social forestry and Vanamohatasava
Laws on trades & poaching of birds and animals
International convention CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora)
CITES: Prohibit trade & see if it does not threaten the survival - 5,000 animal species & 28,000 plant species. Examples include bears, dolphins, cacti, corals, orchids & aloes