notes for chapter socialism in Europe and Russian revolution
the right to self-determination to all non-Russian nationalities living within Russian territories.
(viii) The new revolutionary government that came into being was called the Council of People’s Commissars. it was headed by Lenin. Its first act marked the beginning of the ear of socialism in Russia. It later spread to many other countries.
(a) Civil War (1917 – 20):
(i) The autocratic rule of the Czar had ended, but the forces opposing the Russian Revolution had not been completely destroyed. the officers of the fallen Czar’s army organized and revolt against the new government . The nobility, landlords and the Church also supported them in their efforts to capture power once again.
(ii) The imperialist force of the Western powers were determined to overthrow or destroy the world’s first socialist government.
(iii) These countries supported the counter-revolutionary forces and even sent their troops to join them.
(iv) The three year old civil war ended in 1920 with the defeat of the counter-revolutionary forces at the hands of the Red Army of the new state. This army mainly consisted of peasants and workers and was badly equipped. But it succeeded in defeating the far better trained foreign troops.
(b) Making a Socialist Society:
Bolsheviks kept Indus trice and banks nationalized, permitted peasants to cultivate the land that had been socialized. A process of Centralized planning was introduced. Centralized planning led to economic growth. However, rapid construction lad to poor working conditions. An extended schooling system developed, and arrangements were made for factory workers and personages to enter universities. Cheap public health care were provided. Modal living quarters were set up for workers.
(c) Stalinism and Collectivization:
By 1927-28, the towns in Soviet Russia were facing an acute problem of grain supplies . stain believed that the rich person and traders in the countryside were holding stocks in the hope of higher prices. Raids were made on ‘Skulks’ –the well -to –do peasants. as shortages continued, the decision was taken to collectivist farms. From 1929 the party forced all forced all peasants to cultivate in collective forms (Kolyma). The bulk of land and implements were transferred to the ownership of collective farms. Those who resisted collectivization were severely punished . many inside the party criticized the confusion in industrial production under the Planned Economy and the consequences of collectivization, but were charged with conspiracy against socialism. a large number were forced to make false confessions under torture and were executed , several among them were talented professionals.
(d) Consequence of the Russian Revolution on Russia:
The immediate consequence of the Russian Revolution were as follows:
(i) The autocratic rule of the Czar ended for ever. the revolution destroyed the power of both aristocracy and the church.
(ii) Russia became the world’s first socialist society. The Czarist Empire changed into a new state called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics or the Soviet Union.
(iii) It withdrew from the First World War.
(iv) The new government signed a peace treaty with Germany. it concede the territories demanded by its old enemy as a price for peace.
(v) In order to establish peace, law and order in the new society, Lenin was forced to adopt some drastic measures. these steps were taken under a policy called ‘War Communism’.
(vi) It was during this period (1917-20) that a large scale nationalization of various enteritis, as described under the proclamation of the Congress of Soviets, took place