Physics, asked by rajatagrawal833, 1 year ago

notes on railway accident


Answered by sumanjali
 these tables have been sourced from the Rail Safety and Standards Board(RSSB). Previously the tables were based on accidents and casualties recorded by the Office ofRail Regulation (ORR) within a database called SIGNAL. However, to avoid the confusion causedby having two sets of data published, ORR now publishes the statistics collected by RSSB. ThisNotes and Definitions Include: Information on sources Information on “accuracy”. Definitions. General information for the tables includinglinks to background information. TSGB Notes and Definitions: Transport Accidents and Casualties - Page 2 of 3means that there are a number of definitional differences between these figures and those publishedin TSGB prior to 2011. In particular the RSSB figures only cover National Rail, and do notcover accidents on Eurotunnel, London Underground, trams, other rail guided systems and trolleyvehicle systems, which were all included in the previous figures from SIGNAL. The tables havebeen revised to fit RSSB definitions, and data from previous years have been revised to the RSSBfigures to provide a consistent time series.Most RSSB data are derived from the industry’s Safety Management Information System (SMIS).SMIS records a wide range of incidents, including all injuries and all safety events that are reportableunder the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)1995. The most serious incidents tend to be well reported so the statistics for these should be robust,but it is likely that there is some underreporting of minor injuries, and this may differ dependingon the injured party and the cause. For further detail on how RSSB quality assure SMIS data,please refer to Chapter 10 of the RSSB Annual Safety Performance Report (ASPR) 2012/13.Table TSGB0805 shows casualties occurring in rail accidents. In this table a passenger isdefined as a person on railway infrastructure who intends to travel, is in the process of travelling,or has travelled. This is regardless of whether he or she has a valid ticket. The exceptions aretravellers who trespass or who commit, or attempt to commit suicide. People who are injured thisway are classified as members of the public. A person is classified as a member of the workforceif he or she is working for the industry on railway activities, either as a direct employee or undercontract. A person is considered a member of the public if they are neither a passenger nor amember of the workforce. Trespassers are people deliberately going where they are neverpermitted to go, including those who deliberately jump from trains or platforms, or are climbing onthe outside of overbridges, etc. People on level crossings are not classified as trespassers, even ifthey are misusing the crossing. Suicides include suicides, suspected suicides, and non-fatalinjuries sustained by people attempting to commit suicide. Third party shock and trauma fromwitnessing suicides is included elsewhere, in the statistics for the person type affected (workforce,passenger or public). Where a coroner’s verdict is not available, or a coroner returns an openverdict, intent is determined by applying the Ovenstone criteria (see Appendix 6 of the ASPR2013/14).A fatality is someone who dies as a result of a rail accident, within a year of the accident occurring.Major injuries include injuries to passengers, staff or members of the public as defined inschedule 1 to RIDDOR 1995. This includes losing consciousness, most fractures, major dislocationsand loss of sight (temporary or permanent) and other injuries that resulted in hospital attendancefor more than 24 hours. Minor injuries include all other physical injuries. Shock or traumaincludes cases resulting from being involved in or witnessing events that have serious potential ofa fatal outcome, such as collisions and derailments, as well as cases resulting from other causes,such as verbal abuse and near misses.Table TSGB0806 is based on passenger casualties owing to train accidents and movement TSGB Notes and Definitions: Transport Accidents and Casualties - Page 3 of 3accidents involving people on board trains or in the act of boarding or alighting from them.Specifically, it covers passengers injured as a result of: (i) train accidents, (ii) falling or leaning frommoving trains, (iii) sudden train movement, such as braking or lurching, and (iv) accidents whileboarding or alighting from trains, whether they are stationary or moving. This is the basis forcomparisons with other modes of transport. 
Answered by Anonymous

 these tables have been sourced from the Rail Safety and Standards Board(RSSB). Previously the tables were based on accidents and casualties recorded by the Office ofRail Regulation (ORR) within a database called SIGNAL. However, to avoid the confusion causedby having two sets of data published, ORR now publishes the statistics collected by RSSB. ThisNotes and Definitions Include: Information on sources Information on “accuracy”. Definitions. General information for the tables includinglinks to background information. TSGB Notes and Definitions: Transport Accidents and Casualties - Page 2 of 3means that there are a number of definitional differences between these figures and those publishedin TSGB prior to 2011. In particular the RSSB figures only cover National Rail, and do notcover accidents on Eurotunnel, London Underground, trams, other rail guided systems and trolleyvehicle systems, which were all included in the previous figures from SIGNAL. The tables havebeen revised to fit RSSB definitions, and data from previous years have been revised to the RSSBfigures to provide a consistent time series.Most RSSB data are derived from the industry’s Safety Management Information System (SMIS).SMIS records a wide range of incidents, including all injuries and all safety events that are reportableunder the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR)1995. The most serious incidents tend to be well reported so the statistics for these should be robust,but it is likely that there is some underreporting of minor injuries, and this may differ dependingon the injured party and the cause. For further detail on how RSSB quality assure SMIS data,please refer to Chapter 10 of the RSSB Annual Safety Performance Report (ASPR) 2012/13.Table TSGB0805 shows casualties occurring in rail accidents. In this table a passenger isdefined as a person on railway infrastructure who intends to travel, is in the process of travelling,or has travelled. This is regardless of whether he or she has a valid ticket. The exceptions aretravellers who trespass or who commit, or attempt to commit suicide. People who are injured thisway are classified as members of the public. A person is classified as a member of the workforceif he or she is working for the industry on railway activities, either as a direct employee or undercontract. A person is considered a member of the public if they are neither a passenger nor amember of the workforce. Trespassers are people deliberately going where they are neverpermitted to go, including those who deliberately jump from trains or platforms, or are climbing onthe outside of overbridges, etc. People on level crossings are not classified as trespassers, even ifthey are misusing the crossing. Suicides include suicides, suspected suicides, and non-fatalinjuries sustained by people attempting to commit suicide. Third party shock and trauma fromwitnessing suicides is included elsewhere, in the statistics for the person type affected (workforce,passenger or public). Where a coroner’s verdict is not available, or a coroner returns an openverdict, intent is determined by applying the Ovenstone criteria (see Appendix 6 of the ASPR2013/14).A fatality is someone who dies as a result of a rail accident, within a year of the accident occurring.Major injuries include injuries to passengers, staff or members of the public as defined inschedule 1 to RIDDOR 1995. This includes losing consciousness, most fractures, major dislocationsand loss of sight (temporary or permanent) and other injuries that resulted in hospital attendancefor more than 24 hours. Minor injuries include all other physical injuries. Shock or traumaincludes cases resulting from being involved in or witnessing events that have serious potential ofa fatal outcome, such as collisions and derailments, as well as cases resulting from other causes,such as verbal abuse and near misses.Table TSGB0806 is based on passenger casualties owing to train accidents and movement TSGB Notes and Definitions: Transport Accidents and Casualties - Page 3 of 3accidents involving people on board trains or in the act of boarding or alighting from them.Specifically, it covers passengers injured as a result of: (i) train accidents, (ii) falling or leaning frommoving trains, (iii) sudden train movement, such as braking or lurching, and (iv) accidents whileboarding or alighting from trains, whether they are stationary or moving. This is the basis forcomparisons with other modes of transport.

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