English, asked by vaibhavaim1995, 8 months ago

Now a days, advertisements promote conventional form of beauty. Highlighting this concern, write a letter to the editor of an English daily of your city.


Answered by phillipinestest

Letter to the Editor

A1, Sector 2B

City Centre



The Editor

The Durgapur Times


           Sub: Promotion of conventional form of beauty in Advertisements


I am a regular reader of your esteemed daily and a great admirer of the standard you maintain, but recently I am a little disturbed and discontented with the content of your advertisements.

All newspapers and T.V Channels and other media of advertisement have currently made it  a trend to promote cosmetics, accessories, be it jewellery or garments and even cars and vehicles through female models adhering to the conventional form of beauty.

These include highlighting on a fair complexion, long hair and an extremely slim and trim figure. I vehemently oppose this kind of promotion. It is nothing but a means of discrimination hurting the sentiments of all the women who do not meet up to these conventions.

These advertisements have another darker side. They often promote anorexia among women leading to health disorders. In many instances girls suffer from an inferiority complex and in extreme cases even commit suicide.

I, thereby request you to naturalise the advertisement standards and promote a normal, casual and natural model of beauty. I also request all concerned companies not to promote brands highlighting fairness or generating colour discrimination.

Thanking you

Yours sincerely


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Write a letter to the editor of a newspaper for protecting the ...


Write a letter to the editor of local daily voicing your concern about ...


Answered by madeducators1

Letter to the Editor


B- 743

Vijay Chowk

Nagpur- 65

Date: 04. 04. 2020

The Editor

The Hindustan Times


New Delhi- 23

Subject: Promotion of Conventional Beauty Standards

Respected Madam,

I am a student from Nagpur and I have observed that the advertisement industry is promoting old beauty standards which have no relevance.

Recently while watching an advertisement on television, I saw that a brand was promoting the idea of fair skin. Similarly if we read the newspaper carefully one will find innumerable advertisement which can help cut excess fat through liposuction.

Advertisements like these promote the conventional idea of beauty. These advertisements affect the mind of young viewers. Such endorsements create a false notion of beauty and youngsters often start judging themselves and their body. These advertisements also promote body shaming.

The problem is serious, due to all this the society starts focusing on a set physical appearance of a person. People lose confidence and fell bad about their body. As it is said beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder, hence society really needs to focus on these issues and such endorsements should be banned.

At last, I request you to publish my letter in your esteemed newspaper, so that people rethink the definition of beauty and advertisements which promote certain norms improve their content.

Yours Faithfully


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