Now-a-days, we can easily find children even as young as two years old playing with electronic devices and gadgets anywhere. It is not only the video games that make children stay. It also includes television, mobile phones, computers, tablet computers, PSP (Play Station Portable) games and etc.. Parents may find it easier to make their children stay in one place by giving them a gadget to play with. Prepare a conversation on this topic with imaginary characters. Or Write a story on the above topic. (10marks)
hope it helps❤️❤️❤️hope it helps❤️❤️❤️hope it helps❤️❤️❤️
VALLI - Hi harini how are you ?
HARINI - I am fine what did you do in this lockdown. time ??
VALLI- what else can I do other than seeing TV and mobile.... sometimes so that I am far away from mobile I go to play on the terrace. what about you ?
HARINI - Even me yaar. even though I have friends near my home I am getting adicted to mobile phones you kno....
VALLI - Hmmmm...that too even online calsses
HARINI - You have a reason because you do not have friends but me ??? I have many friends...OMG !! I have to decrease phone
VALLI - Let us both strive not to use mobile or TV atleast for a week
HARINI - Yes even me exept online classes YES !!!!! we can do it valli
VALLI - OK shall we keep a challenge
HARINI - yeah good idea
VALLI - let's see who wins....ok bye