Now a days which type of burette is used instead of rubber tube with pinch corck?
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The advantage with that is it is cheap and does not break as easily as the other and there is no fear of clogging of stopper. Explanation: Now a day "Burette with Teflon stopcock" is used instead of rubber tube with pinch corck
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- Nowadays, instead of a rubber tube with a pinch corck, a "Burette with Teflon stopcock" is employed.
- The pinch-cork is ineffective at fine control. Furthermore, in the case of permanganate titration, the rubbery substance utilised may react with the permanganate to some extent, causing the results to be inaccurate. The benefit is that it is less expensive and does not break as quickly as the other, and there is no risk of the stopper becoming clogged.
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