Now"becomes_____ in indirect speech. *
now becomes then in indirect speech.
yes now becomes then in indirect speech Here is a list of common time words, showing how you change them for reported speech:
direct speech reported speech
now then, at that time
today that day, on Sunday, yesterday
tonight that night, last night, on Sunday night
tomorrow the next day/ the following day, on Sunday, today
yesterday the day before/ the previous day, on Sunday
last night the night before/ the previous night, on Sunday night
this week that week, last week
last month the month before/ the previous month, in May
next year the following year, in 2014
two minutes ago two minutes before
in one hour one hour laterHere are some common place words, showing how you change them for reported speech:
direct speech indirect speech
here there, in Starbucks
this that
this book the book, that book, War and Peace
in this room in the room, in that room, in the kitchen