English, asked by sharanyabayya, 10 months ago

now imagine that you are that young minister write a speech on the change that took place in the city of gates avenue you may include your fellings about the remarkable change​


Answered by roshanmeher545


hope it will help you


First I'll banned online games and then I tell childrens to play physical games like cricket,football,badminton etc because today's children are only busy with their phones and if there is some doubt on regarding their subjects or any questions they don't ask to their teachers but they ask their phones to solve their questions , it was not bad to write answer from reference or phone but you should know about their procceser that how it solve and then practise more for your knowledge but childrens use phones and answer their question or doubts but they never use their mind this is a very big problem of India .

Poverty is also make country standard down and poverty is there because some peoples of India cheat their own country and think no one can find them if they stole their own country's money but . I'll. find them and put them in jail and I'll give a great contribution to my country and I proud to it

Jai Hind ! Jai Bharat !

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