English, asked by sumitkumarbehera2006, 6 months ago

Now in memory comes my mother, As she used in years agone, To regard the darling dreamers Ere she left them till the dawn: O! I feel her fond look on me As I list to this refrain Which is played upon the shingles By the patter of the rain. a. who comes in the memory of the poet? (1) b. Who are the darling dreamers? (1) c. What does the poet remember about ‘She’ in the second line? (1) d. What do you mean by refrain? (1)​


Answered by isham46


what is the best way possible that you can get a good night's sleep and I will talk to you later today to see if I will be able to get the weekend of the 18th

Answered by Su2020


Please read through the explanation to find your answer. HOPE IT HELPS YOU!


a)The poet's mother comes in the memory of the poet.

b)The 'darling dreamers' refers to the poet(narrator) and his siblings .

c)The fact that the poet remembers about his mother is that she used to let her children(narrator and his siblings) sleep till the dawn(early morning).

d)Refrain simply means repetition .In this poem, it refers to the repetition of the pitter-patter sound.

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