Now, in the days of the daimios, it was the custom, when their lord passed by, for
all the loyal people to shut up their high windows. They even pasted them fast
with a slip of paper, so as not to commit the impertinence of looking down on his
lordship. All the people along the road would fall upon their hands and knees and
remain prostrate until the procession passed by. The train drew near. One tall,
competent man marched ahead, crying out to the people by the way, “Get down
on your knees! Get down on your knees!” And everyone kneeled down while the
procession was passing. (5)
(i) What was the custom of the Daimio’s?
(ii) What did they paste on high windows?
(iii) How long did they remain prostrate?
(iv) Who cried out to the people?
(v) Write an antonym for ‘competent’.
Answered by
a. the custom of the Daimio’s was when their lord passed by, for all the loyal people to shut up their high windows.
b.They pasted them fast with a slip of paper, so as not to commit the impertinence of looking down on his lordship .
c. They remain prostrate until the procession passed by .
d. One tall, competent man marched ahead, crying out to the people by the way.
e. incompetent
i hope it helps you
please mark my answer as brainlist
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