Now read the following passage carefully and identify the noun clau
Replace the underlined words that', 'so' and 'it' with suitable noun clar
The headmaster entered the class furiously and said that he wanted to kno
reason for the absence of some students in the class the day before. One si
said that he had suffered from a severe headache. The headmaster said,
believe that". The second said that somebody stopped him from coming to
The headmaster said. “I don't think so". The third said that he too had suffer
a bad headache. On hearing that the headmaster shouted in anger. The fol
that he had suffered from a terrible toothache. The headmaster said, "I don
il". The fifth said, "My grandmother died suddenly. The headmaster rete
he would ascertain it. He said, "I will come to your house tomorrow to
Good advice
< !DOCTYPE html > < html lang="en" > < head > < title > Mickey Mouse < /title > < /head > < body > < div class="box" > < div class="mouse mouse-lavender" > < /div > < div class="mouse mouse-mint" > < /div > < div class="mouse mouse-purple" > < /div > < /div > < style > body {animation: background 3s infinite;} .box * {position: absolute;} .box {margin: 0 auto; height: 300px; width: 300px; top: 50%; transform: translateY(50%);} .mouse {height: 100px; width: 100px; border-radius: 50%;} .mouse::before, .mouse::after{content: ''; position: absolute; display: block; height: 60px; width: 60px; border-radius: 50%; } .mouse::before { top: -30%; left: -30%; } .mouse::after { top: -30%; right: -30%; } .mouse-lavender {background-color: #9b99ff; top: 50%; left: 0; animation: beat 3s 1s infinite; } .mouse-lavender::before, .mouse-lavender::after {background-color: #9b99ff;} .mouse-mint { background-color: #82fff3; top: 50%; right: 0; animation: beat 3s 2s infinite; } .mouse-mint::before, .mouse-mint::after {background-color: #82fff3;} .mouse-purple { background-color: #e682ff; top: 0%; left: 35%;animation: beat 3s 3s infinite; } .mouse-purple::before, .mouse-purple::after {background-color: #e682ff;} @keyframes background2 {0% {background: #c3b8fc;}50% {background: #ccfff6;}100% {background: #feccff;}} @keyframes beat {0% {transform: scale(1);opacity: 1;}50% {transform: scale(.6);opacity: .6;}} < /style > < /body > < /html >
Now read the following passage carefully and identify the noun clau
Replace the underlined words that', 'so' and 'it' with suitable noun clar
The headmaster entered the class furiously and said that he wanted to kno
reason for the absence of some students in the class the day before. One si
said that he had suffered from a severe headache. The headmaster said,
believe that". The second said that somebody stopped him from coming to
The headmaster said. “I don't think so". The third said that he too had suffer
a bad headache. On hearing that the headmaster shouted in anger. The fol
that he had suffered from a terrible toothache. The headmaster said, "I don
il". The fifth said, "My grandmother died suddenly. The headmaster rete
he would ascertain it. He said, "I will come to your house tomorrow to