nowadays supply of food grains is abundant. cReplace the under line word with its antonyn
ANSWER :- Nowadays supply of food grains is scarce.
Nowadays supply of food grains is scarce.'Scarce' is an antonym because it is the opposite word of 'abubdant'.
word related to abubdant
extra, supernumerary, surplus
extra, supernumerary, surplusabounding, blooming, overflowing, plump, replete, rich, rife, teeming, wealthy
extra, supernumerary, surplusabounding, blooming, overflowing, plump, replete, rich, rife, teeming, wealthyadequate, enough, sufficient
extra, supernumerary, surplusabounding, blooming, overflowing, plump, replete, rich, rife, teeming, wealthyadequate, enough, sufficientfat, fecund, fertile, fruitful, luxuriant, prodigal, prolific
extra, supernumerary, surplusabounding, blooming, overflowing, plump, replete, rich, rife, teeming, wealthyadequate, enough, sufficientfat, fecund, fertile, fruitful, luxuriant, prodigal, prolificcopious, fulsome, lavish, profuse
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