nswer in short,
Where does the water in your house come from?
(2) From what do rivers, wells, springs and lakes get water
(3) What will happen if we do not collect rainwater ?3 st
1) As far as where all the water is from that we use in our homes, it is from either a groundwater source, such as a well, or from a surface-water source, such a river, lake, or reservoir.
2) Answer: Well water comes from sources beneath the Earth's surface known as groundwater, which includes porous water-bearing formations as well as underground springs. Additionally, the means of bringing the water up out of the well to the surface is a part of where the well water comes from.
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If we do not collect rainwater it will be waste. which can be useful after collecting it in many works like agriculture, household, navigation etc. collecting rainwater is very essential as in many parts of India there is a scarcity of water. So we should store rainwater for further use.