Computer Science, asked by chauhandhruv1100, 8 months ago



Answered by Kingtgreat



When you wear a mask, you hide parts of your face, but not your eyes. It is said that the mask filters out your face (it hides everything except your eyes).

Flash 8 users might want to see this other tutorial on creating a better looking mask with smooth edges.

Masking is a familiar technique in computer graphics (and computer science in general). It basically refers to a method of hiding or filtering data. You have a set of data, when a mask is applied to that data, you get a new set of data which is a filtered version of the original data.

Data > Mask > Modified Data

For instance, say you have a secret number written on a paper, and you want other people to be able to see only the 3rd digit. What can be done?


Since you want others to be able to see only the 3rd digit, you can erase everything except the 3rd digit. Or, you can cut the paper, leaving out only the 3rd digit. But what if you don't want to mess up the paper and you want to keep all the numbers intact (because, for example you might want to allow some other people to see the 4th digits, instead of the 3rd, in the future).

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