Null function is also known as
it will be helpful
A null function is also known as Null operator.
A null function (or null operator) is a subroutine that leaves the programme state unaltered in computer science.
It is known as a NOP or NOOP when it is a component of a processor's instruction set (No OPeration).
A computerfunction f:
f is mathematically speaking null if and only if its execution leaves the programme state s :
s unaltered.
In other words, a null function is an identity function whose codomain is the state space and whose domain is the state space.
Less strict definitions may also be encountered.
For example, a function may take a single operand, change it into a new data type, and return the result.
Despite having a striking visual similarity to identity functions, such uses create or modify binary data values, which alters the state of the programme. From the standpoint of software maintainability, it is preferable to explicitly identify such "small" state changes as labelling them null functions prevents future code maintainers from understanding their true goals.