Math, asked by divyansh828, 11 months ago

Number is divisible by 2, average of allnumber is 5 and together , last two digits are divisible by 7 the number formed by last two digits is less then 70, the number is less then 50000, the middle digit is 7 and frist two digits are divisible by 11, there is only one odd digit.


Answered by ColinJacobus

The required number is 28755

Step-by-step explanation:

According to the given condition

Last two digits are either 28 or 42 (divisible by 7, even and less than 70)

Middle digit is 7

First two digits are 22 or 44 (only one digit is odd, the middle one which is 7)

If we take all four combinations

we have

a) 28722

b) 42722

c) 28744

d) 42744

The required number is the one whose digits average is 5

Average of a) 21/5 not equal 5

Average of b) 18/5 not equal 5

Average of c) 25/5 equal 5

Average of d) 21/5 not equal 5

So the number is 28755

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