Biology, asked by mk383305, 3 months ago

number of pyrenoids and chloroplasts in ulothrix is :- (1) one chloroplast with few pyrenoids, (2) one chloroplast with several pyrenoids, (3) several chloroplast with one pyrenoid, (4) none of these​


Answered by kajaladhana42


Pyrenoids occur in many of the algae and are associated with the chloroplasts. In algae, pyrenoids are the sites of carbohydrate (typically starch) storage. Starch and iodine react to produce a deep blue-black colour, so staining a thin algal prep with iodine will indicate the presence of pyrenoids. Spirogyra is a filamentous green alga in which the chloro characteristic spiral shape. In this photograph, you can see the chloroplast coiling against the outer edge of the cells. The numerous small round blo the edges of the chloroplast are the pyrenoids. The larger, faint blobs (they look like out-of-focus regions) that take up most of the volume of the cells in the filaments on the right are the nuclei, which are suspended in the interior of the cel

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