Numbers between 400 to 700 either divisble by 9 or 11
Let’s find LCM (least common multiple) of 72 and 88 to see the least number which is divisible by both 88 and 72.
Firstly we should take a look at prime factorization of 88 and 72:
Now we can say that LCM(88,72)=2*2*2*3*3*11=792.
As we can see only 792 belongs to [400, 800] interval, it’s the least and the last number for this interval.
So we have an answer: only 1 number between 400 and 800 is divisible by both 88 and 72.
Thank you for asking this question:
We will assume as the least no divisible by 9 is 405
And the most is 693
So AP will be formed
The formula for nth term is given by:
So, 693=405+(n-1)9
So, n=33
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