Math, asked by omanadevaky, 26 days ago

Numbers having more than two
factors are called​


Answered by Anonymous

A number with only two factors is called a prime number.

A number with more than two factors is called a composite number.

The number 1 is neither prime nor composite. It has only one factor, itself.

Answered by amitnrw

Numbers  having more than two factors are called​  COMPOSITE Numbers

Step-by-step explanation:

Natural numbers Depending on numbers of factors can be Divided into 3 groups

Prime number

Composite number

Neither prime Nor Composite

Prime number  :  Numbers having exactly 2 factors. Number it self and 1

2 , 3 , 5 , 7 , 11 ..

Composite number  :  Numbers having at least 3 factors. Number it self , 1  and and other factors

4 , 6 , 9  , 10

Number 1  is Neither prime Nor Composite

as 1 has only 1 factor  1.

Numbers  having more than two factors are called​  COMPOSITE Numbers

Learn More:

If n is a composit odd number less than 110 and n is relatively prime to

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