Science, asked by chiku8429, 8 months ago

[Note For a
1. The momen
is 5 m
the line of
2. A nut is
least for
0.8 m
3. Aw
about a given axis of rotation
State one way to obtain a greater moment of a force
about a given axis of rotation.
10. Why is it easier to open a door by applying the force
couple is applied to turn a body.
at the free end of it?
20. Define moment of couple Write its SL uit
11. The stone of a hand flour grinder is provided with a 21. Prove that
handle near its tim Give reason.
Moment of couple = Force x couple am.
12. It is easier to turn the steering wheel of a large 22. What do you mean by equilibrium of a body a
diameter than that of a small diameter. Give reason
23. State the condition when a body is in soutie
13. A spanner (or wrench) has a long handle. Why?
(i) dynamic equilibrium Give one example eate
14. A jack screw is provided with a long arm. Explain why? static and dynamic equilibrium
15. A, B and C are the three forces
24. State two conditions for a body, acted upon by me
each of magnitude 4 N acting in
forces, to be in equilibrium
the plane of paper as shown in
25. State the principle of moments Name one device
Fig. 1.26. The point o lies in the
based on it
same plane
26. Describe a simple expenment to venify the principle
(1) Which force has the least
Fig. 1.26
of moments, if you are supplied with a matre male
moment about O ? Give reason
fulcrum and two springs with slowed weights.
(u) Which force has the greatest moment about O ?
27. Complete the following sentences
Give reason
a The SI unit of moment of force is
(111) Name the forces producing (a) clockwise.
(b) anticlockwise moments.
(m) In equilibrium, algebraic sum of moments of a
forces about the point of rotation is
(iv) What is the resultant torque about the point ?
Ans. (1) C because the force C is nearest to O (mm) In a beam balance when the beam is balanced in a
(ii) A, because the force A is farthest from 0.
horizontal position, it is in equilibrium
(111) (a) A and B. (b) C (iv) 4-4 Nm (clockwise)
(iv) The moon revolving around the earth is in
16. The adjacent diagram
Ans ) N mizero (m) static (iv) manic
(Fig. 1.27) shows a
heavy roller, with its
axle at 0, which is to
1. The moment of a force about a given ans dernd
be raised on a
(a) only on the magnitude of force
pavement XY. It
there is friction
the axis
(i) the moment of force
(i) the moment of force
(111) total moment of the
(ii) 12 Nm (clock
5. Two forces each of
magnitude 10 N act
(b) only on the perpendicular distance of force from
an ATO On
the force mor on the perpendicular
19. What do you understand by the term couple Sess
effect. Give two examples in our daily life where​


Answered by prashampaliwal8


as v= 5/s


Answered by jainshalu2016


as v= 5/s


hope it helps..

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