Numerous bird which flock around to roost in Africa are the
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aethiopica from Sudan to Somalia and Tanzania, and Q. q. lathamii from Gabon to Mozambique and South Africa. Non-breeding birds have light underparts, striped brown upper parts, yellow-edged flight feathers and a reddish bill.
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Red-billed quelea (Quelea quelea) is the most abundant bird in the world today. According to Crook and Ward’s estimate of 1968, the population of these sociable seed-eating African weaverbirds was at 1-10,000 million, which was believed to be highly exaggerated. Their estimate was based on reported kills, which the farmers often made to save their crops. A more recent estimate by Clive Elliott is thought to be more accurate which puts the population at 1,500 million. This is based on breeding reports and a continent-wide adult breeding population.
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