Science, asked by mohdArsalan, 1 year ago

nutrition in ameba easy ​

yash9432: It engulfs in food by the process of phagocytosis or by finger like projections called pseudopodia


Answered by aaradhya55
ameba protein is the nutrient Proteus alternative Chouas diffluens is an amoeba closely related to the glant amoeba and a species commnly brought at science supply

plz mark as brainliest ans plzzzzz I need your brainliest mark for virtuoso

parveen35: HELLO
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parveen35: now how we will talk??
Answered by parveen35

Amoeba is an organism under the kingdom PROTOZOA.

Nutrition is amoeba is by putting out pseudopodia and surrounding the food particle which get in the amoeba in a special structure called contractile vacuole..




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