Biology, asked by clairembevans2006, 7 months ago

Nutrition is part of a healthy lifestyle, especially for women who are pregnant or who may become pregnant. Using the provided information on important nutrients before and during pregnancy, write a daily eating plan for an expectant mother to help her meet her nutritional needs. Explain how your diet would help a woman who is or may become pregnant meet specific nutritional needs such as calcium, iron, vitamin D, folic acid, and protein to have a healthy pregnancy. Your response should be one to two paragraphs in length and include specific facts, examples, and explanations.


Answered by santhanakrishnan1098



When a pregnant woman realizes that she is in her first stages of pregnancy, especially the first three months, her feelings are mixed up between fear and excitement. She becomes more interested in herself, in the way she feeds and in her lifestyle, so pregnant women are advised to learn more about their special diet. Which can prevent them from common pregnancy problems, such as nausea, fatigue, fatigue, and these foods that benefit the pregnant woman and her child in the first three months of pregnancy:

Breakfast Cereal:

Folic acid and vitamin B12 are one of the most necessary things for pregnant women to collect blood and help mature red blood cells. Any deficiency of folic acid may lead to congenital defects in the fetus, such as skull or spinal abnormalities. Doctors recommend pregnant women to follow a diet high in folic acid during the first three months, by eating breakfast cereals or fortified cereals, containing 400 mg of folic acid in each pot, and to ensure the appropriate amount of acid, it is recommended to eat additional foods, Containing 200 mg of it, such as asparagus, black peas.

Dried beans and lentils:

The baby develops during the first trimester of pregnancy quickly. During this period, the mother needs protein-rich foods to ensure that the baby is growing well, requiring an additional 10 grams of protein per day during the third trimester, averaging 60 grams Of the proteins in the diet, and the beans and lentils of protein-rich foods, which contains 15 grams of it, so it is recommended pregnant women to eat, and make it a major meal in the diet, by putting it on power, boiling or boiling.

the milk:

More than normal times, experts recommend pregnant women to eat about 1000 mg of calcium a day, where it is recommended to drink two cups of milk, during pregnancy, to help the child's organs grow and develop. Skim milk, or low-fat, to get 30 percent of the body's calcium needs.

the banana:

The body of pregnant women, especially in the early months of pregnancy, requires a lot of potassium, which helps to reduce the symptoms of fatigue and nausea, as a result of changes in the body, to adapt to the growth of the child inside, so pregnant experts recommend eating one banana every day At least, to maintain the same strong and healthy, and to fight nausea, especially when taken on an empty stomach.


Eating fats or unsaturated fatty acids, such as omega-3, promotes the development and growth of the child's organs, helps overcome pregnancy fatigue factors, and promotes the growth of the nervous system from the child. Therefore, salmon is considered a rich source These acids, which are recommended for the development of the brains of children, and it is recommended not to multiply them to contain mercury, which may harm the body.


Eating eggs, one of the best foods that promote the presence of vitamin Choline in the body, a type of vitamin B, which is needed by the brain of the fetus, and yen

Answered by mitu890

A pregnant woman needs a good diet to survive pregnancy and have a healthy baby.


A healthy nutrition rich diet is required by a pregnant woman to survive out the pregnancy and deliver a healthy baby. The following chart can be followed for a healthy diet:

  • Milk: 2 glasses of milk daily will improve the calcium and vitamin D content inside the body of pregnant woman.
  • Fruits: fibrous fruits will help the woman to have a good strength of gut and fruits also supplement her with different vitamins and minerals.
  • Salad: the salad will add roughage to her diet making her bowel system good and hence decreasing the strain while defecation.
  • Oils and fats: different sort of food like whole wheat ladoo, dry fruits and hawlas will provide the woman with good amount of fats required by the body.
  • Pulses, Eggs and Fish: will enrich her with proteins.
  • Non-veg: will provide her with the fats and energy required.
  • Green vegetables: will nourish her with with different vitamins and minerals.
  • Jaggery and chana: in daily diet will nourish her with good amount of iron.
  • Supplement: pregnant woman had to take supplements of iron and folic acid because the demand increase as the increasing fetus. sometimes she need to take supplement of calcium also.
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