English, asked by aakashsharma6021, 5 months ago



Q1. In the following passage one word has been omitted in each line. Write the word before and after and the missing word as given in the example.           
                        Word before    Missing word           Word after
Chimpanzees gregarious animals and        _Chimpanzees__       __are___             _gregarious_
they live the damp, hot forests of Africa.    (a) __________      _________      _________
They spend lot of time looking for food.    (b) __________      _________      _________
They like eating juicy fruits leaf buds.    (c) __________      _________      _________
They make a temporary home in  branches    (d) __________      _________      _________
of tall trees. They make roughly woven nest  (e) __________      _________      _________
to sleep night. Since they are constantly on     (f) __________      _________      _________
the move, they don’t have permanent home.  (g) __________      _________      _________

Q2. The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Write the incorrect word and the correction as given in the example.        
All life on earth can ultimately is        e.g.     is           be
trace back to the sea. Creatures        a)  ___________            ___________
with limb or fingers rather than        b) ___________            ___________
fins has evolved from fishes             c) ___________            ___________
about 335 million years before,         d) ___________            ___________
which remain a mystery. The new         e) ___________            ___________
fossil find in a rock formation near Scotland      f) ___________            ___________
provides one of the few clue to what has been  g) ___________            ___________
happening on these 30 million years.           h) ___________            ___________

Q3. Read the following set of instructions for washing the dirty white cotton clothes. Complete the procedure.
Collect all the dirty white cotton clothes.
Soak them fully in warm water and soap solution.
Take them out and rub them with fists.
Then rinse them in running water until the soap content is washed off.
Squeeze them and hang them for drying.
All the dirty white cotton clothes (i) ___________________ and (ii) ________________ warm water and soap solution. They (iii) ____________ and (iv) ___________________with fists. Then they (v)____________________until the soap content is washed off. Then they (iv) ____________ for drying.
English Assignment 2

1. Edit the following passage:

My day begins on five O'clock in  a)........
the morning. It has been so for     b)........
the last forty years except in         c) .......
the two year when I was very        d).......
ill. My routine, though turns           e).......
topsy-turvy in holidays when         f)........
I cannot sleep for ten O'clock.       g)........
I had maintained a fairly regular    h)........
routine during my working years.     

2. Rearrange the following words  into meaningful sentences.
1. England/good/many/lived/a/years/king/ago/wise/there/and/in
2. so much/man/his country/did/other/ever/for/for/as he/no/did
3. the world/speak/Alfred/people/of/all over/the Great/now/as/him
4. have/life/in/easy/those/did not/very/days/a/a king

Q3.        Reported Speech                                 1x4=4
    Father : Good Morning, Sir. I have come to get my child admitted in your school. Principal : In which class do you wish to get your child admitted?
Father : In class II, Sir?
Principal : Sorry, we do not have any vacancy in that class..
Father : Sir, my son is very intelligent. You will be proud to have him in your school. Principal : What has he learnt till now?
Father : To walk and to talk, Sir.

The father of a child met the Principal of a school and told him that (a) ____________. The principal enquired about the class for admission and the father told him that it was class II. The principal then informed him that (b) ______________________ in that class. The father told him that his son was very intelligent and he (c) ______________. The principal further asked him (d) _____________________. The father proudly replied that he had learnt to walk and to talk.
(a) (i) he has come to get his child admit in their school      (ii) he have came to get his child admitted in the school                (iii) he had came to get his child admitted in his school            (iv) he had come to get his child admitted in his school.
b) (i) they do not have any vacancy in that class       (ii) they do not had any vacancy in that class (iii) they did not have any vacancy in that class      (iv) they did not had any vacancy in that class
(c) (i) would be proud to has him in the school        (ii) would be proud to have him in his school  (iii) will be proud to had him in his school              (iv) will be proud to have him in his school
(d) (i) what he had learnt till then     (ii) what had he learnt till then                 (iii) what he has learnt till now     (iv) what has he learnt till then.​


Answered by taslimrafik2006


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hmh hh f d d. dfbgnmhjkkkhjjj

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