Discuss the importance of political theory?
1. It is Relevant to Solving our Problems
2. Knowledge of Our Rights and Duties
3. Political Theory Liberalizes the Outlook
4. Politics essentially is the Art of the Possible
5. A Growth in the Reasoning Powers of the Mind
Political Theory is closely related to a number of academic subjects such as history, ethics, sociology, economics and other areas of study. These subjects provide theories and data which political theorists use to construct political theory.
A democratic government implies popular participation in political processes such as elections. We should know our rights, especially the right to vote. Our knowledge of political theory tells us that Right to Vote is not only a Right but a Duty as well. The voters should choose the best men.
By studying political theory, an individual may think more logically about concepts such as equality, liberty and justice. Political theory teaches us to be tolerant of other people's attitudes or beliefs. Liberty and Equality are not just abstract concepts; these concepts reflect ideals that we should try to follow. An intelligent citizen is committed to liberal ideals and civil liberties.
Limitations on any government exist and we all can see them. A political system has to function under different kinds of compulsions and constraints. Anything is possible in politics. An understanding of politics can be helpful in appreciating factors which bring necessary changes in the society.
A political concept is not merely a matter of faith or belief; it develops through a lot of reasoning. Different ideologies (liberalism, Marxism and socialism) have been subjected to verification and the political thinkers relied on 'facts' and 'practical experience'.