(☞^o^) ☞ Write a note on Satyagraha?
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vhshjufkago এবং b আমার জীবন সম্পর্কে আমার আরও কয়েকটি প্রশ্ন ন্যায়সঙ্গত হয়েছে যে আপনি ভাল করছেন এবং আপনার দিনটি উপভোগ করছেন
Satyagraha is a two word compound made up of Satya(truth) and agraha(hold firmly). It means to hold on firmly to the truth or polite insistence on the truth. This was a non violent resistance movement spearheaded by the great Mahatma Gandhi to attain freedom for India.
Mahatma Gandhi adopted the Satyagraha Movement as a real and active weapon of winning violence. He believed that Satyagraha is a particular form of struggle where there is no question of victory or defeat. It is beyond doubt that his study of the Hindu tradition and his experience of passive resistance against racial discrimination in South Africa helped a lot in developing and concretizing his idea of Satyagraha.