Write the plural forms of the following compound nouns.
1. passer-by
3. water tank
2. ladybird
4. printer cartridge
5. washing machine
6. daughter-in-law
passers-by water tank ..
The plural of the words
1. Passers-by
2. Water tanks
3. Lady Birds
4. Printer Cartridges
5. laundry machines
6. Daughters - in -law
In grammar, a plural may be a noun that refers to quite one. as an example, the noun cats is that the plural of the noun cat and suggests that quite one cat.
1. to create regular nouns plural, add ‑s to the top.
cat – cats
house – homes
2. If the singular noun ends in ‑s, -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, or -z, add ‑es to the top to create it plural.
truss – trusses
bus – buses
marsh – marshes
lunch – lunches
tax – taxes
blitz – blitzes
3. In some cases, singular nouns ending in -s or -z, need that you simply double the -s or -z before adding the -es for pluralization.
fez – fezzes
gas –gasses (note that gases is additionally appropriate, and a lot of normally used, the orthography of this plural noun)