Objective: Tom
tive: To multiply two fractions by the activity method
als Required: Chart paper, geometry box, and sketch pens
sedure: Let us find the product of two fractions, say, and
Materials Required
Procedure: Let us find th
Follow these steps.
Take a chart paper and draw a rectangle (5 cm x 2 cm) as shown.
Step 1. Take a che
2 cm
2 cm
5 cm
is 5, divide the rectangle along the length into
Step 2. Since the denominator of the fraction
5 equal parts, as shown.
is 1. So, shade the first part of the rectangle. The
Step 3. The numerator of the fraction
shaded region represents th of the area of the rectangle.
is 4. So, divide the rectangle along the breadth into
Step 4. The denominator of the fraction
4 equal parts, as shown.
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