objectives/importance/analysis on measures taken for the development of the slum area
government should consider providing a legitimate solution to the poor. Most of the times, it is seen that the rehabilitation takes place at a location which is far away from the core areas and employability is zero.
Instead of forced evictions, authorities should plan an in-situ upgrading approach.
Not everyone wants to live in homes which are insufficient for family needs and just have a concrete roof over their head.
To rehabilitate the downtrodden, the government should offer them areas where they can stay within the community and not in isolated projects and societies.
Offering safe and secure land title should also be on the consideration list of the government to ensure that the settlement isn't disturbed in the future.
If the existing homes are being upgraded, municipal authorities should upgrade the provisions from time to time.
Easy financing and loaning options at affordable interest rates for upgrading, building and extension of the existing shelter should be made available.
It is important for the government to change the image and perception of cities. For instance, instead of perceiving Mumbai as Shanghai, a “Better Mumbai” can be used.
New methods of creating land supply should be tried. Freeing up the unused land lying with government institutions can be used to create affordable homes. .....
hope it helps....
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